
At the core of a Catholic Education, is a strong commitment to fostering an education with the life and teaching of Jesus Christ at the centre. All members of the community receive ongoing religious formation through academic and extracurricular activities. This takes place in all dimensions of school life but is most poignantly seen in prayer times, liturgical events, retreats and opportunities to serve. 


Prayer is essential to the life of the school

Encouraging students to build a relationship with God, prayer takes many different forms throughout the day. Regular opportunities to pray together include access to the school chapel during break times, stations of the cross throughout Lent, Rosary during the month of Mary and prayers for the faithful departed during November. Every day and lesson at the college begins in prayer. In this way students are able to become aware of the presence of God, ask for help and place the work in His care. During these times students are encouraged to take the initiative and lead the community in prayer. 

Liturgical Life

The college follows the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. This means that throughout the year we remember significant occasions, people and times appropriate to a life of faith. The liturgical life of the College reflects that a person’s faith should be alive and living constantly changing throughout the year and that our faith is shared with many others around the world. The most significant of these are the celebration of the Sacraments including College Masses where the full school community gathers to celebrate. At these Masses, new members are welcomed to the community, first Sacraments are celebrated and individuals are commissioned to serve. The Mass also serves as a time to acknowledge the many different cultures present in the school and how this enriches our school community. 


Every student has an opportunity each year to spend time on a retreat with their peers. Retreats allow students time to contemplate on their progress in faith while also building community. Each retreat is specifically designed for the age and stage of each group with a specific focus appropriate to their time at the College. Activities are designed to help each person to review important aspects of their lives and to come to a greater awareness of how Gospel values can guide and prepare them for whatever comes next.


Key to these Gospel values that guide the school is the idea of forming “a person for others”. A person who discovers God knows that love of God cannot be separated from love of neighbour. Our Catholic character therefore, should motivate each student to serve as Jesus did by seeking not “to be served but to serve” (Matthew 20:28). Service can be as simple as helping another student in need or joining Young Vinnies with the purpose of serving the wider community. A Catholic education fosters a person’s ability to be aware of opportunities to put their faith in action and to be Christ to those around them.