
Finding God in all things

Nau mai, haere mai! The foundation of St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic college stems from centuries of education in the Catholic Ignatian tradition and a long held dream of a Catholic college in the area for generations of families. The college offers a high quality academic programme in the Ignatian tradition housed in state-of-the-art facilities. A comprehensive co-curricular programme is built around our House system and the gifts, talents and passions of the student body; this enables all in our school community to pursue personal excellence, exploring our own talents and how they can be put to use in the local community and in the wider world; finding God in ourselves, finding God in others and finding God in our common home. Finding God in all things. In veniens Deum in omnibus. 

Dean Wearmouth
Tumuaki / Principal

Dean Wearmouth

Tumuaki / Principal