Year 7 - 10

Year 7 and 8NZC Levels 3-5


At Years 7 and 8 there are four rotations spread over the year allowing a broad and in depth education. -- CALLED

OUR IPP : The Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm

Music is a complete artform and grows student confidence and expressiveness. Students within Year7 and 8 will learn about composition, singing, sound editing, famous bands and what makes a great performance.

Dance explores personal movement and expression. Year 7 and 8students learn a variety of different choreographic processes and prepare and perform a dance.

The arts stimulate young imaginations. Saint Ignatius students will learn pencil control, basic art-related research/literacy, exploration of colour, using a range of media and exploring shape and form.

Drama encourages the growth of creative, reflective and communication skills through practical work. Year 7 and 8 students will look at role based learning and will hone their skills in regards to character development, theme, mood, plot and set design.

As a bicultural nation we are uniquely placed to be immersed in Te Reo. The richness of the language, tikanga and traditional practices are introduced and celebrated by students in Years 7 and 8.

In learning a new language, students learn to communicate in an additional language and they begin to open up a whole range of new possibilities. Year 7 and 8 focus on culture, the spoken word.

Saint Ignatius students areintroduced to the fundamentals ofcomputational thinking, digitalinnovation, and collaborative groupwork. Using a design brief to meet aneed or opportunity will be explored.

Year 7 and 8 students are challenged to explore areas that will involve the design cycle, idea development and behavioural trends. The use of tools to create and implement the end product is expected.

Students at Year 7 and 8 will use  existing knowledge, develop skills and explore ideas to use either soft or hard materials and production technologies to design, produce and develop new ideas or products.

Year 7 and 8 students are introduced to the culinary world and the different tastes offered by our worlds beautiful cultures. Methods of preparation and food safety are an important part of this taster course.

Year 9 and 10NZC Level 4-6


At Years 9 and 10there are two option rotations, one per semester. Students select one option per two terms and focus on areas of interest and strength. -- CONNECTED

As Saint Ignatius students are encouraged to express themselves in creatively and to actively produce music. At Year 9 and 10, different genres will be covered and the technology effecting music today.

As students grow in skill and performance ability, genre and context is investigated. A range of dances will be practiced and shown as part of assessment .Communication technology is a focus.

As the Year 9 and 10 artist begins to grow they are pushed to understand the concept of abstract art and colour. Skills required to use wet and dry media are investigated. Landscape art is also researched and developed.

Drama encourages autonomous learning and exploration. Through the process of rehearsing, reflection and evaluation, Year 9 and 10 students will use mime to express a particular narrative. Through play they will also investigate how serious issues can be addressed through comedy and satire.

Te reo Māori and tikanga Māori are essential components of the heritage of Aotearoa. The knowledge is integral to all New Zealanders. Students continue to develop their listening, speaking and reading skills.

In learning a new language, students learn to communicate in an additional language and they begin to open up a whole range of new possibilities. Year 7 and 8 focus on culture, the spoken word.

Students in Year 9 and 10 build further on the ideas of computational thinking, digital innovation and the design cycle.

Students will research and design robotic solutions to assist in search and rescue operations.

Design at Year 9 and 10 builds on previous knowledge. Students must use computer drawing and modelling to successfully complete a practical design challenge.

Students in Year 9 and 10 begin to operate with greater independence in the projects assigned. CAD modelling and machining is taught, and trialing and error of various ideas is encouraged.

Year 9 and 10 students begin to build industry level knowledge. Food preparation skills are expanded alongside an increasing repertoire of methods. A love of food and passion for creativity is a necessary trait encouraged in hospitality.