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Across all leadership opportunities ākonga will gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a leader not just in our Catholic Ignatian College but in the wider world beyond the classroom.  Ultimately, our leadership programmes will equip our young people with a deep sense of what it means to the ‘people for and with others’.   Growing leaders who work together to build a compassionate and just world where all people can live to their full potential.  

As our College grows so too will our leadership model and the opportunities it presents.  Initially we will offer a broad leadership portfolio to encourage a high level of ākonga participation.  2024 Leaders have been identified through an expression of interest.  In subsequent years we will develop a process of selection for leadership roles and in  time, we will establish a formal model of senior school leadership.  Whilst leadership opportunities are present in all aspects of our college life, in subject areas, and co-curricular activities, as our College opens we will offer the following leadership opportunities:

Ignatian LeadersAll Year 7 and 8 ākonga have the opportunity for leadership through their Rōpū Kaiārahi. 

Ignatian Leaders will:

  • assist the Kaiārahi with the organisation and operation of the Rōpū Kaiārahi
  • encourage and promote ākonga participation and belonging in all aspects of College life and opportunities which are presented
  • visibly support and lead our Special Catholic Character in Rōpū Kaiārahi and across our College
House LeadersAll Houses will have a group of 4-6 leaders in each Year 9  Rōpū Kaiārahi.

House Leaders will:

  • assist the Kaiārahi with the organisation and operation of the Rōpū Kaiārahi
  • assist the House Leader in the leadership, organisation and delivery of House activities across the school
  • encourage high levels of ākonga participation in House Activities
  • support the House Leader in running House Competitions and all Wednesday afternoon House activities
  • take a lead role in developing the distinct culture, spirituality and identity of their House across the school
MentorsAll Year 9 ākonga will serve as Mentors to year 7 and 8 ākonga.

Mentors will:

  • Participate in Mentor and Leadership Training
  • Accompany a small group of assigned Year 7 and 8 ākonga through regular meetings
Magis Centre Kaitiaki Pukapuka/LibrarianĀkonga can apply to serve our school in our Magis Centre.

Kaitiaki Pukapuka will:

  • Participate in Library training and regular meetings.
  • Maintain a clean, safe, and enjoyable space in our Magis Centre.
  • Help grow our library collection by completing jobs for the Head Librarian.