
We will accompany ākonga as they grow to be people of competence, compassion, commitment and conscience, ready to 'go and set the world on fire'.

St Ignatius of Loyola


This is a person’s ability to consider the impact of their actions on others and the world around them. When we demonstrate conscience, we cultivate deep reflection and promote appropriate actions.

We will be ākonga who demonstrate Conscience 

in our Learning by:

  • treating others the way I would want to be treated
  • finding the good and choosing to do it
  • developing a personal, faith filled relationship with Jesus

In our Community by:

  • noticing when others need help and responding with love
  • finding God in those around us and the wider world

This is a person’s dedication to personal growth, excellence and the pursuit of the common good. When we demonstrate commitment, we value the dignity of all and are agents of positive change.

We will be ākonga who demonstrate Commitment

in our Learning by:

  • being organised, prepared and punctual
  • taking responsibility for our own learning

In our Community by:

  • wearing our school uniform with pride
  • participating and showing enthusiasm for co-curricular commitments and House activities
  • seeing things through

We will be ākonga who demonstrate Compassion 

in our Learning by:

  • demonstrating empathy for others by looking at the situation from their point of view
  • creating hope by helping others be the best they can be
  • showing love, respect and consideration for others

In our Community by:

  • being generous
  • noticing and helping those in need
  • being an advocate for social justice

This is a person's ability to create, understand and use knowledge, develop talents and skills to do something efficiently so they can be relied upon. When we demonstrate competence, we become resilient, are able to work collaboratively with others and promote personal excellence.

We will be ākonga who demonstrate Competence 

in our Learning by:

  • Developing and using abilities, skills and talents to the best of our ability
  • working together, participating and contributing
  • not giving in or giving up

In our Community by:

  • being reliable
  • being trustworthy and honest
  • being a positive role model