

We believe uniform is important to :

  • instil a sense of belonging and school pride
  • create a level playing for all so the focus is on education
  • encourage ākonga/student to express themselves through their work, achievements and contribution to the wider school community

Full and correct uniform must be worn and items of clothing are to be in good condition, with all items clearly labelled, ideally embroidered. Ākonga/students will be notified of the changes between summer and winter uniforms.

Ākonga/students not in the correct uniform are required to have a note from home explaining the reason for the discrepancy and when it will be corrected in a timely manner. The note should be handed to the Manutaki for approval by 9:00am on the day concerned for a uniform pass to be issued.

Ākonga/students not in the correct uniform who come without a note will be sent to the office. Home will be informed and ākonga/student may return to class once the issue has been rectified.

Repeated incidents involving incorrect uniform will require a meeting with ākonga/student and whānau to sign a ‘continued conditions of enrolment’ agreement.

Personal Grooming/Hair
  • Hair must not touch the collar and must be clear of the face and eyes. Hair long enough to reach the collar must be tied back. Red ribbons, black hair ties or black clips may be used to tie back hair.
  • Hairstyles including, but not restricted to, mohawk, mullet, shaved patterns, undercuts and ‘rat-tails’ are not permitted.
  • Unnatural colours, streaks and patches of colours are not permitted
  • Hair should be no shorter than a ‘No.2’ clipper
  • Chewing gum is not permitted
  • Ākonga/students must be clean shaven
  • Make-up and nail polish must not be worn

Ākonga/students will be sent to the office to rectify any issues regarding make-up, nail polish and shaving.

  • Ākonga/students may wear one plain gold or silver stud in the lower lobe of each ear. No other piercings are permitted
  • Ākonga/students may wear a wrist watch
  • A small crucifix or cultural taonga may be worn but may be asked to be removed at times, for Health and Safety reasons
  • Ākonga/students who wear incorrect jewellery will have the item(s) confiscated and must be collected from reception by parents/caregiver
Travelling to and from school
  • Ākonga/students will wear full official uniform including blazer when travelling to and from school
  • Ākonga/students leaving either sports practices or sports fixtures will be in either the full sports kit (top and bottom) or our full day uniform
Formal Occasions (Including school assemblies)

Correct and full school uniform should be worn


Shoes will be conventional black leather lace up shoes. Casual black shoes, sandals or trainers may not be worn

Junior Summer Uniform (Term 1 and 4)

All ākonga/students will wear St Ignatius short sleeved white shirts and school tie.

  • All ākonga/students will wear school blazer
  • Female ākonga/students wear a skirt or trouser options and white ankle socks
  • Male ākonga/students wear shorts and knee high school socks
Junior Winter Uniform (Term 2 and 3)
  • All ākonga/students will wear St Ignatius long sleeved white shirt and school tie
  • All ākonga/students will wear school blazer
  • All ākonga/students will wear school jumper
  • Female ākonga/students wear a skirt or trouser options and black tights
  • Male ākonga/students wear shorts and knee high school socks
Physical Education Uniform

All students/ākonga will wear St Ignatius PE shorts and top

School Bag

School bags (backpacks) are to be plain black.