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End of Term 3 Virtue Awards

End of Term 3 Virtue Awards

At the end of each term all our staff have the opportunity to nominate ākonga who have displayed one of our 7 school virtues. These are the 3 theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Love and the 4 Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Fortitude, Temperance and Justice. When we display these virtues it is an indication that a person is directing their lives towards God. Congratulations to the ākonga listed below.


Consistently making good choices.

Felix Ah Ling

Felix has consistently made good choices in class during Term 3.

Madi Clark

Madi is consistently worked to achieve her own personal excellence and has provided an excellent example for other students to follow.

Frankie Frost

Frankie is consistently making positive choices across all areas of school life. She puts great effort into all her subjects, leads by example in house competitions, and fosters respectful relationships with both staff and fellow students.

Jacob Hughes

Jacob consistently makes good decisions and sets a strong example for others to follow. His commitment to doing the right thing reflects his maturity and sense of responsibility.

Simone Paterson

Simone has flourished this term both academically and personally as a result of the great choices she makes each day.

Emma Ronald

For consistently displaying our four C's: Conscience, Commitment, Competence and Compassion.

Ashna Smith

For consistently displaying our four C's: Conscience, Commitment, Competence and Compassion.

Georgia Turner

For consistently displaying our four C's: Conscience, Commitment, Competence and Compassion.

Skylar Vibal

Skylar always shows good judgment and makes thoughtful decisions, setting a great example for her classmates. She's consistently committed to making the right choices, showing real maturity and integrity.

Therese Wong

Therese consistently works towards Magis, making good decisions in class that help her and the people around her succeed.

Oli Yee

Oli has made great choices in lessons this term, he is increasingly focused and working towards his personal excellence.


Demonstrating resilience and courage.

Enzo Collado

Enzo has shown great fortitude in Science, always giving his best and taking on new challenges.

Tyla-Rae' Howell

Tyla-Rae has demonstrated incredible fortitude this year by persevering and overcoming personal challenges experienced at school. In doing this, she has allowed us to experience her gentleness and kindness as well as have her lovely smile light up the classroom.

Savanna Styles

Savanna demonstrates Fortitude every lesson, putting great effort into making sure she understands all the work even when she finds it difficult.

Mia  Wright

Mia has persisted in English, despite the challenges of essay writing, and subsequently seen tangible improvements.


Being fair and just to all.

Ben Hunter

Ben has consistently stood up for what is right. He has a strong sense of justice and does all he can to make the school a more just and safe place for all Ākonga.

Reid Yorke

Reid has demonstrated Justice this term by not being afraid to stand up for what is fair and right, even when popular opinion and peer pressure have encouraged otherwise.


Demonstrating love for God and others.

 Matthew Almond

Matthew compassionately works selflessly with other Ākonga in his class that need help. He is empathetic and patient with his peers, always showing care to all.

 Deanna Fermin

Deanna consistently shows care for not only others, but for her work as well. When requests of assistance is made, she will gladly offer her help.

Madison Lowther

Madison shows compassion for those around her, and will include those who feel left out. She will always ask if help is needed, and does the work with a smile on her face and a positive attitude.

Bryn Mair

For his compassionate heart; treating all with kindness, and looking out for those in times of need.

Evie Morrison

Evie's constant respectful attitude toward all people stem from her inner conviction of God's love for her. She is willing to take the risks to share her reflectiveness with others.

Hayley Thomson

Hayley has shown her love for her House and led by example in the Lip Syncing competition. She put together great choreography and willingly taught it to the whole house.

Georgia Turner

For supporting other Ākonga through difficult times showing compassion and love.

Sophie Wynne

For showing support to struggling Ākonga in the classroom. Always supporting and guiding others.


Bringing light into the world.

Travis Baldwin

Travis is enthusiastic, giving his all to everything he does. He is kind and inclusive, and works hard to be his best self.

Evony Burford

Evony always demonstrates a positive attitude to learning and displays the 4C's.

Torito Esquivel Garcia

Torito brings light with all his enthusiasm and efforts, always striving to be the best he can be.

Chelsie Farrell

For constantly demonstrating friendship and aroha with all whom she encounters.

Zythea Laud

Zythea always has smile on her face and is friendly and welcoming to her teachers and other in the class. She will always give new things a go with a positive attitude.

Aliana Pahulu

Mā whero, mā pango ka oti ai te mahi - With red and black the work will be complete.

Savanna Styles

Whaiwhia te kete mātauranga - Fill the basket of knowledge.


Supporting Special Character.

Jamie Barillas

For playing a key role in many school masses, and being someone who can be relied upon to read Scripture in front of a large crowd with confidence and clarity.

Manaia Davis

Manaia consistently demonstrates leadership by volunteering to lead Kaiarahi prayers and daily class examens. He shows reverence and encourages others to do the same. Ka pai.

Deanna Fermin

Deanna has always generously contributed to Catholic Character programs and House events without seeking any acknowledgement. Her joyful appearance seems to indicate her deeper sense of faith in God.

Olivia Malele

For always volunteering to lead prayers and playing important roles in school masses. A reliable and positive role model to others on their faith journey.

Simon Joseph Vicente

For always stepping up and living out his faith through help with our mass, readings in the morning and everything to do with the special character of our school.


Practicing self-control.

Harry Honiss

Harry consistently takes a positive approach to Social Science lessons. Focused and attentive he shows maturity by working towards his potential.

Jennifer Merkofer

Jennifer has made a concerted effort to improve her academic performance and attitude this term. She avoids distraction and learns from high performing students, so she can improve herself.

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